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		                                    Krav Maga Outing		                                </span>
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		                                    Hanukkah		                                </span>
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		                                    Nevonim (50+)		                                </span>
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		                                    Purim class and Book Club		                                </span>
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		                                    Mens Club at the Ballgame		                                </span>

Welcome to Beth Shalom Congregation in Columbia, MD

Beth Shalom prides itself on being a warm congregation that cares for its members as part of an extended family.  We encourage involvement and participation and provide our members with a well rounded and diverse program of activities that touch every area of Jewish Life: Worship, Education and Community.
Shabbat services are held in-person and online and our daily minyan is virtual. Check our weekly e-newsletter for more information on programs and events. 


See What's Happening!

All Events
  • Tuesday ,
    SepSeptember  24 , 2024
    Cantor Apt w/CA High Holiday-themed Concert
    Tuesday, Sep 24th 8:00p to 9:30p
    Join Cantor Apt and members of the Cantors Assembly for a virtual High Holiday-themed Concert on Zoom on Tuesday, September 24 at 8 PM. This event is completely free as a High Holiday Gift from the Cantors Assembly. Cantor Apt will be singing a trio featuring our very own high school seniors, Cora Caplan and Emily Zagnit. Email the office or Cantor Apt for the Zoom link, or check your weekly emails for the link to access the concert.


  • Saturday ,
    SepSeptember  28 , 2024
    Chosen Meeples

    Shabbat, Sep 28th 12:30p to 5:00p
    Drop-in board gaming following Shabbat services and kiddush, from about 12:00 to 5:00 pm. Everyone is welcome to join in one of the various board games that are being played and stay as long as you like. It’s a fun way to spend an afternoon.


  • Saturday ,
    SepSeptember  28 , 2024
    Selichot: Understand- ing Anger

    Motzei Shabbat, Sep 28th 7:45p to 10:30p
    Karen Hull, Mental Health Coordinator for the Howard County Office on Aging and Independence, joins Beth Shalom for a special Selichot program to help us understand anger. Identify anger as an emotion.  Why do we have it? Learn to cope with anger; Skills to manage anger; Finding help. 


  • Sunday ,
    OctOctober  6 , 2024
    Sukkah Building

    Sunday, Oct 6th 9:30a to 1:00p
    Come help Men's Club build our Sukkah. Come when you can. The more hands the faster it goes. This is a great way to help while meeting people.


  • Sunday ,
    OctOctober  6 , 2024
    Mah Jongg

    Sunday, Oct 6th 2:00p to 4:00p
    Mah Jongg for beginners and those with less experience. Mentors provided. Non-judgmental playing!


  • Monday ,
    OctOctober  7 , 2024
    Memorial Event for Oct. 7 - Baltimore Jewish Council
    Monday, Oct 7th 6:00p to 8:00p


  • Saturday ,
    OctOctober  19 , 2024
    Torah Study (post-kiddush)

    Shabbat, Oct 19th 1:00p to 2:00p


  • Sunday ,
    OctOctober  20 , 2024

    Sunday, Oct 20th 10:00a to 11:30a


  • Sunday ,
    OctOctober  20 , 2024
    Tot Snack in the Sukkah/Kid's Bingo

    Sunday, Oct 20th 10:00a to 12:00p


  • Sunday ,
    OctOctober  20 , 2024
    Pasta dinner and Edible Sukkah Building

    Sunday, Oct 20th 4:00p to 6:00p
    Enjoy a pasta dinner under the Sukkah and make an edible Sukkah to enjoy!



2024 Annual Appeal - Have You Donated Yet?

Track the progress of the Annual Appeal as we strive towards our goal of $125,000.



Make your pledge or donation here now!

Thank you for visiting us!


Mon, September 23 2024 20 Elul 5784