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Beth Shalom offers learning opportunities throughout the year, sponsoring speakers, classes, and holiday programs. Highlights of the Adult Education program include:

  • Scholar-In-Residence: a Shabbat weekend full of lectures and discussions with an invited educator, thinker, speaker, or artist.
  • Tikkun Leil Shavuot: a full evening of multiple education sessions led by rabbis and educators held during Erev Shavuot, along with dairy desserts and snacks.
  • Programming for Selichot and Yom Ha’atzmaut: on topics relating to repentance and Israel (respectively), with moderated discussions.
  • Author speaker series:  Jewish authors read excerpts from and discuss their recent novels and non-fiction books. The author series is usually held in the spring.
  • Lecture and Discussion Series:  Stimulating classes are taught by Rabbi Greenspan, Cantor Apt, Rabbi Susan Grossman Emerita, and our congregants. 
  • Shabbat Across America: A national Jewish event to celebrate what unifies all Jews — Shabbat.  We celebrate with a dinner and speaker. 

Upcoming Classes and Events

The Adult Education Calendar shows all upcoming programs. (Click the arrow on the right for future months.)

Here are the programs coming up soon:

All Events
  • Monday ,
    SepSeptember  23 , 2024
    Beginner Hebrew Class

    Monday, Sep 23rd 6:30p to 7:30p
    Learn the Hebrew Alphabet and Vowels Learn to read short and meaningful sentences Learn tips and tricks to make learning easy


  • Saturday ,
    SepSeptember  28 , 2024
    Selichot: Understand- ing Anger

    Motzei Shabbat, Sep 28th 7:45p to 10:30p
    Karen Hull, Mental Health Coordinator for the Howard County Office on Aging and Independence, joins Beth Shalom for a special Selichot program to help us understand anger. Identify anger as an emotion.  Why do we have it? Learn to cope with anger; Skills to manage anger; Finding help. 


  • Monday ,
    SepSeptember  30 , 2024
    Beginner Hebrew Class

    Monday, Sep 30th 6:30p to 7:00p
    Learn the Hebrew Alphabet and Vowels Learn to read short and meaningful sentences Learn tips and tricks to make learning easy


  • Monday ,
    OctOctober  7 , 2024
    Beginner Hebrew Class

    Monday, Oct 7th 6:30p to 7:30p
    Learn the Hebrew Alphabet and Vowels Learn to read short and meaningful sentences Learn tips and tricks to make learning easy


  • Monday ,
    OctOctober  14 , 2024
    Beginner Hebrew Class

    Monday, Oct 14th 6:30p to 7:30p
    Learn the Hebrew Alphabet and Vowels Learn to read short and meaningful sentences Learn tips and tricks to make learning easy


  • Monday ,
    OctOctober  21 , 2024
    Beginner Hebrew Class

    Monday, Oct 21st 6:30p to 7:30p
    Learn the Hebrew Alphabet and Vowels Learn to read short and meaningful sentences Learn tips and tricks to make learning easy


  • Thursday ,
    NovNovember  7 , 2024
    Nusach 101–The Sounds of Prayers and Sacred Time

    Thursday, Nov 7th 7:45p to 9:15p
    Have you ever wondered where our prayer melodies come from? Why can’t we just sing them the same way every day? Come to explore more about the way our melodies enhance the experience of praying. Note: this class is virtual.


  • Thursday ,
    NovNovember  14 , 2024
    Nusach 101–The Sounds of Prayers and Sacred Time

    Thursday, Nov 14th 7:45p to 9:15p
    Have you ever wondered where our prayer melodies come from? Why can’t we just sing them the same way every day? Come to explore more about the way our melodies enhance the experience of praying. Note: this class is virtual.


  • Thursday ,
    NovNovember  21 , 2024
    Nusach 101–The Sounds of Prayers and Sacred Time

    Thursday, Nov 21st 7:45p to 9:15p
    Have you ever wondered where our prayer melodies come from? Why can’t we just sing them the same way every day? Come to explore more about the way our melodies enhance the experience of praying. Note: this class is virtual.


  • Tuesday ,
    DecDecember  3 , 2024
    The Oldest Hate II

    Tuesday, Dec 3rd 7:00p to 9:00p



Thu, September 19 2024 16 Elul 5784