Seeking Stability
02/06/2025 11:27:18 AM
Rather frequently over the last several years, I have heard or read someone saying along the lines of, "You know, I'm tired of living in unprecedented times. Can I live in precedented times now?"
Between global pandemics, wars, and political turmoil--just to gloss over a few sources of unpredictability we've experienced in recent years--I can understand the sentiment. Living with constant unpredictability is draining and stressful. We become agitated, constantly waiting for the next shoe to drop.
Our tradition cannot make the changes stop happening, nor pause the sources of unpredictability in our lives. But it can provide a source of stability, a way to help us build resilience and cope.
At the very end of Parshat Bo--in the first moments of freedom from slavery--we are given the commandment that "it shall be a sign upon your hand and a symbol on your forehead" (Ex 13:16), the first mention of Tefillin. It seems like a strange moment to suggest that, when leaving slavery, we want to bind something to our arms and heads again.
Except, that at this moment, right when everything is about to change, God gives us a symbol of structure. The people willingly bind themselves to God's covenant, and take on a new set of structure--one that provides both freedom and stability.
Our tradition is full of opportunities to build structure into our lives. Tefillin. Regular prayer. Shabbat community. Kashrut.
When you are feeling lost and overwhelmed with unpredictability, choose something to bring a little bit of stability into your life. Take on a mitzvah you haven't tried yet, or be more consistent about one you've been thinking about. Let it and its connection to the generations of our tradition offer you an island of stability in a sea of unpredictability.
May our tradition help us to hold on as we continue to live in unprecedented times, and give us the strength to take part in restabilizing our world.