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Shabbat Evening (Friday)

Our service is led by Cantor Apt, with Rabbi Greenspan providing educational content. Periodically, we have a family dinner and programs for tots and students. Services are followed by refreshments at an oneg Shabbat. Once a month, a Birthday/Anniversary Shabbat recognizes those celebrating a birthday or anniversary.

Click here for more on Shabbat Services.

Shabbat Morning (Saturday)

Our service is led by Cantor Apt with Rabbi Greenspan or another speaker giving a sermon. Torah readings follow the triennial cycle. Services are followed by a community Kiddush.

Click here for more on Shabbat services.

Weekday Services

Minyanim are offered from Sunday through Thursday evening online via Zoom. These services are led by members of the congregation. The services support congregants and others in the community saying kaddish or otherwise wanting to attend a minyan.

Click here to see more about Weekday Services.

High Holidays

Beth Shalom features both a full service and a family service for the High Holidays. Our main service is led by our Cantor. Rabbi Greenspan provides an inspiring message at both the full and the family service. Yizkor is said on Yom Kippur morning, and Yom Kippur ends with a lively shofar-blowing contest and a break-the-fast. Selichot services follow the showing of a movie reflecting on the themes of the holiday.

Shiva Support

The congregation provides an evening minyan for members sitting shiva in Howard County. These services are led by members of the congregation. When providing a shiva minyan, the regular minyan moves from the synagogue to the shiva house.

Other Holidays

All of the major holidays and many minor holidays are observed. Services are conducted on Passover, Sukkot and Shavuot by Rabbi Greenspan and Cantor Apt, and Yizkor is said on the appropriate dates. A Tikkun Leil Shavuot provides learning opportunities on that holiday. On Simchat Torah, there is a musical program with singing and dancing. On Purim, we have a musical service featuring a band composed of congregants, with songs written to describe the Purim story. Yom Ha’Atzmaut services are held along with the showing of an Israeli movie.

B’nai Mitzvah

Beth Shalom offers a tailorable Bar/Bat Mitzvah program where each student’s participation is geared to their desire. Family members are encouraged to participate in the service

Shabbat Soirees

Shabbat Soirees are Friday night potluck dinners that take place during the summer months. These get-togethers are held at congregants’ homes and are followed by a brief service. Dinners must be kosher (dairy). Guidance is available for those who do not keep kosher so they can host and/or contribute.

Sat, March 8 2025 8 Adar 5785