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What Sisterhood Does

Scroll down to see this year’s schedule of events and meetings.

Sisterhood is a vibrant and active group that plays many key roles in the daily life of Beth Shalom.  Sisterhood offers opportunities to connect with other women in the Beth Shalom community while supporting the synagogue, community tzedakah projects, and having fun. Most importantly, Sisterhood is always there for its members and the Beth Shalom family, in times of sorrow and times of simcha. 


  • offers social events such as the Annual Paid Up Members event, “Chick Flick and Chocolate” movie nights, cooking demos, and classes
  • holds fun baking days for fundraisers like our Thanksgiving pies and Purim hamantashen 
  • provides mishloach manot gift bags with Purim treats and home delivery to local congregants 
  • provides holiday extras such as Yom Kippur break-the-fast and hamantashen at Purim
  • provides siddurim for the third-grade class on its consecration and gifts for bar/bat mitzvahs and the confirmation class
  • funds an upgraded Zoom account and shares our access with the synagogue board, religious school board, Men’s Club, and other committees
  • directly funds or provides sponsorship funding for:
    • building and other improvements that make Beth Shalom warm and welcoming
    • synagogue events and fundraisers
    • synagogue social action projects such as the Cold Weather Shelter
    • religious school wish list items
    • youth and synagogue projects
  • actively participates in events sponsored by the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism and its Seaboard region, attending conferences, trainings, and other events
  • offers Torah Fund cards to mark special events.
Contact Sisterhood

Upcoming Programs

The Sisterhood Calendar shows all upcoming programs. (Click the arrow on the right for future months.)

Here are the programs coming up soon:

All Events


Become a part of Sisterhood

Membership dues are just $40/year ($30 for first-time members)

Join Sisterhood for 2024-2025

Committee Meetings

Open to all Sisterhood members.
Come and bring your ideas.
Mondays at 7:15 pm.
  • September 23
  • October 28
  • November 25
  • December 23
  • January 27
  • February 24
  • March 24
  • April 28
  • May 19
  • June 23


Judaica Shop

From challah covers to seder plates, kippot to menorahs, jewelry to mezuzot, the Sisterhood Judaica Shop has it all. Browse in the synagogue lobby on or check our Facebook page. To purchase an item,  inquire at the office or email us at

Torah Fund

Have a simcha or condolence to mark? Torah Fund offers cards for every occasion. Best of all, you can send a card without leaving your home.

The sale of Torah Fund cards and donations supports global Conservative/Masorti institutes of higher education: Jewish Theological Seminary, Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, Schechter Institutes, Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano and Zacharias Frankel College.  

Do you have the newest Torah Fund pin? Become a benefactor by donating $180, and receive a beautiful gold and silver tone pin as a thank you.

For information about Torah Fund or to obtain a pin, contact

Sat, March 8 2025 8 Adar 5785