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Did You Know . . . ?

12/05/2024 02:12:33 PM


Follow this column for brief explanations of facets of Beth Shalom that you might never have known. The most recent post will always be at the top, but scroll down to review earlier ones.

We Have a Vibrant Social Action Committee

02/09/2025 11:36:58 AM


Beth Shalom’s Social Action Committee organizes events and opportunities for Congregational members to do mitzvot in the community at large and activities that involve the Congregation as an institution in the broader community. Their top activities include support for the Cold Weather Shelter, High Holidays food drive,  Hanukkah Candle lighting at Harmony Hall and Brightview, as well as basket and food deliveries to seniors at various times during the year. If you’re interested in participating, please email Abby Glassberg at or call 410-952-4446.

Beth Shalom Bereavement Support

01/15/2025 01:17:13 PM


Susan Kuning

Beth Shalom’s Bereavement Committee delivers a Friday night dinner to a congregant family that is sitting Shiva.  You can help fund these meals be donating here and selecting Bereavement Fund for you’re your donation. Donations - Form - Beth Shalom Congregation (  When a congregant is sitting shiva, we can also provide a minyan leader and siddurim at the home, and a welcoming mention at Friday night services.

Beth Shalom has an AED

12/22/2024 04:12:05 PM


Beth Shalom has an automated external defibrillator (AED), a portable device used to revive someone suffering cardiac arrest. It is located right across from the synagogue office. Pekuach Nefesh obligates us to protect an endangered life, even on Shabbat. The device is designed to walk the user, step by step, through its proper use. You can be prepared by taking our CPR course when it’s next offered (stay tuned). In the meantime, here is a video showing its use: Using an AED by American Red Cross

Stop the Bleed at Beth Shalom

12/16/2024 02:47:55 PM


Beth Shalom has two Stop the Bleed kits for emergencies. Pekuach Nefesh obligates us to protect an endangered life, even on Shabbat. Be prepared! You can get Stop the Bleed training online : 

Medical Supplies at Beth Shalom

12/05/2024 02:15:22 PM


Beth Shalom has basic medical supplies for an emergency including Narcan, a medication for treatment of known or suspected opioid overdose. Pekuach Nefesh obligates us to protect an endangered life, even on Shabbat. Be prepared! You can easily access training on when and how to administer this potentially life-saving medication: Narcan Training

Fri, March 14 2025 14 Adar 5785